With love, Carrie
My Mother (A.K.A. Vixen) turns 60 years old this December. Do you know she will still dress in her leathers and jump on the back of a Harley at the drop of a hat?

She still remembers taking a bath in an old wash tub on her grandma's porch deep in the holler's of Missouri. She comes from a long line of free spirited, guitar pickin', hardworking women. Women, who like many, dedicated their lives to raising their children and were the backbone of their families. Women that sewed their own dresses, weren't afraid to wear bikini's in the 1940's and always looked their Sunday best at social gatherings.
pictured: Granny Shirley and my Mother, Dana.
It is this, that laid the foundation for our style heritage.
My Mother doesn't use age as an excuse and neither did her Mother. In fact, if she hears another woman say "I'm too old" or "I can't wear that" get ready, cause she's gonna give you a talkin' to! I think when you're raised the way she was and diagnosed with cancer at the age of 41, your outlook on life and what you think "you can't do" greatly changes.
Our deep american roots inspire and empower this lifestyle brand. You don't have to be a cowgirl or ride a Harley to wear our stuff. Our customers range from stay at home moms, to teachers, to police officers, college students, even news anchors! All having one thing in common, strength. (Here, I really wanted to say two things in common, strength and a great fashion sense :P). Anyway, we're woman owned/operated and fiercely passionate about supporting and uplifting other women regardless of their style.
We love you all, xoxo- Carrie
You set the boundaries of your life. Beware of excuses and decide how much power you give them.
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